GT students state of origin, the difficulty of counting humans

@GATECH_ENGINEERS posted on twitter yesterday that most Georgia Tech grads outside of Georgia are from FLA,TX or CA. As my fellow data people, you know that any measurement of human activity will be biased towards regions with lots of people. Such as the fact that most tweets in America are from FL, TX, CA or NY metro. So I took the liberty of dividing their numbers by the state populations and we see a different perspective on GaTech students.

Population of GT graduates by state of origin normalized by state population

The regional preference of GaTech students shows once you account for the massive populations of the big states. Quite a large proportion of students are from states that are close to Georgia. Although GaTechEngineers did catch on to the fact that if the DC metro area (measured by proxy as DC+MD+VA) is a large contingent of students. The three states DC,MD,VA rank 3,4,5 on the list after accounting for their total populations.

Focusing only on Ph.D. Students we see an even more unexpected result. Man we have a lot from MA. Does that mean a lot of MIT undergrads come to Gatech for their Ph.D?

Population of GT graduates by state of origin normalized by state population

Thank you US Census Bureau for making the data available. And thank you Georgia Tech IRP for making your data available. Go Jackets!

You can find processed data and code at data and code